Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why am I writing again?

Wow! I don't know why I am starting a blog.  Maybe it is because I have a lot to say.  I read a book not too long ago entitled "God's Guest List" by Debbie Macomber.  A friend of mine recommended the book and I can say that it definitely made an impression on me.  It talked about how God places people in our lives in different seasons and how we should take time to embrace them.  But there is a part in the book that talks about following our dreams and passions.  The word "passion" has been on my mind for at least 6 months now.  I am a wife and a mother of two handsome boys.  Although, that in of itself keeps me jammed-up busy, I find myself wondering what my passions are.  Yes, I am passionate about my family but I don't know what I like to do outside of them.  Unfortunately I don't have a crafty side, nor do I have a green thumb, and I certainly am not the best cook.
 My passion is people, if you consider that a passion.  I have always loved to speak and write and have had dreams to be a motivational speaker.  When I was in high school, I thought I was going to be a news anchor.  Life took a very different turn. I don't regret that turn because it brought me my husband of 13 years and counting.  But some of those dreams I thought I wanted to see come true were not in line with what the Lord has for me.  And that is a good thing!
I love to encourage and I love to pray for people.  I love to put smiles on people's faces.  I love to cry with them and laugh with them.  I like to rejoice in their accomplishments.  Now before you want to gag, I will tell you that I struggle with people too.  Sometimes I want to punch people out, but I have to be reminded that I am a child of the Most High and can't do that.  I mess up daily and am nowhere near perfect.  But I am constantly seeking to be renewed and purified.  The Lord has His hands full with me that is for sure.
I hope that as I share my thoughts over time that you will be encouraged.  I don't always say the right thing at the right times.  I will put my foot in my mouth at times and you may have to set me straight.  But I want you to know that I will strive to bring a smile to your face, touch your heart, and share hope.  Most of all, I hope I share the love of my Heavenly Father.


  1. Aww hope, I miss you!! LOVE thAt you started a blog!

    1. Becky, this comment went to my spam and I just figured out how to get it out of there. Miss seeing you too! Hope all is well with you. Are you still designing? I gave someone your name today on facebook.
      Thanks for reading my blog! We will see where it goes from here. I am new to all of this. That is why my page isn't fancy. Can you help with that? LOL

  2. I look forward to reading & encouraging your writing endeavor! I know it will be great because it is you! Love you!

    1. Thanks! Been thinking about that passion and after our girl's night out I realized, I was not the only one. So you gonna dance some more? :)

    2. Well, it may not be the way I want to, but for as long as I'm alive I'll be dancing til I drop.

  3. Passion, strangely enough that word has been on my heart as well. I have so much of it. I love my family dearly and will continue to pour myself into them as we grow. I love people as well. I love the older one's mostly! And we have yet to take ourselves weekly to a nursing home as I was prior to getting married. I love ministering to our senior citizens. Most of all, though I love being apart of a winning team. Fighting from victory. Knowing there is nothing that should get me bent out of shape and that above all the gifts I've received, peace is the one that I love the most. Being at rest.I think for me, turning my passions into reality is acting on them. Being in the Word daily in order to to right speak it in the right time, reach out to strangers with a friendly hello and try really hard to show interest into their lives enough so that I can give them the gospel. Passing out gospel tracts just is not enough for me, though I rarely doing that as of late. So...trying to not let my passion burn out, as I grow in my ministry to my family which is first. Thanks for sharing.

    1. This comment was in my spam file and I just figured that out. I am sorry! Thanks for reading and commenting. I know your family is your heart but I do believe the Lord will open opportunities for you to impact the elderly. You have delighted yourself in Him and I am sure He will give you the desires of your heart.

  4. Hi! I found your blog through a mutual friend, Erin Cox. I'm looking forward to following along. I love to read and write as well. I write a blog, too. I started it a few years ago and I'm amazed at what God has done with it! Come by and check it out sometime when you have a minute. Nice to 'meet' you. :0)


    1. Thanks so much for reading it! I have seen your name through mututal friends on facebook. I will definately check out your blog. I am new to this stuff but I love it! I enjoy seeing people do what they love to do.
      Look forward to sharing our journey's together!

    2. I just figured out who you are! You live in the same neighborhood and my son Bo took Karate with your twins. I saw your husband the other day while I was running and told him that I didn't know you all lived at the end of my street. Wow!


The Struggle Bus

 It has taken me a while to process my thoughts on my health journey over the past year.  I've come to the conclusion that the struggle ...