Sunday, February 24, 2013

It just takes one moment!

I really love how the Lord speaks to me through my kids.  Being a mom has helped me get a glimpse of just how the Father loves us.  Even though I can't even begin to imagine that His love for me is even greater than the love I have for my boys, I know that it is true. 
This has been a long, exhausting and emotional week.  We finished regular season basketball.  We have played many sports along the years and we have learned something each year.  This season made for some great moments as we watched kids who have played since they were in Peewees play their last Little Dribblers games before entering Jr. High.  The last game was a bit of a tear jerker for Bryan realizing that it would be the last time he coached Christian in any sport.  Even though we still have Bo, something just hit hard knowing that Christian is getting older and moving on to new adventures. 
I can talk about a lot of outstanding moments this season such as when Christian got the ball stolen from him by one of our former players who is half the size of Christian.  Even I had to give "Smiley" props for taking that ball with confidence.  I also loved watching Christian go against one of his really good friends and seeing the respect they had for each other on the court.  I liked getting the hug yesterday from one of our parents who said thank you for being a part of their lives the past two seasons.  I smiled when we went to eat with Bo at school and one of our players told his mom that he wanted to sit by Coach Bryan.  It was heart warming to see a kid who is a bit shy talk Coach Bryan's ear off at a game because they had developed a close relationship with him.  I was thankful for one of my fellow basketball moms coming to help me clean my son's bloody nose all while playing her team.
But there was a moment yesterday that took my breath away.  And I relived it again this morning when Christian asked me a question.  As we were getting our behinds handed to us in yesterday's championship game, I watched my puffy-eyed son lay his heart out on the court.  It wasn't his best game but it was all he had at that moment.  Seeing the defeat in his eyes and us being down by 20, Bryan pulled him off the court in the last minute of the game.  In that moment, I heard a crowd cheer for my son as he went to the bench and put his head in his lap and was brought to tears.  This morning Christian asked me if the crowd cheered because they were glad his team was going to lose.  My heart sank as I explained to him that in no way were they cheering for that reason.  I said "They were clapping for you because they believe in you."  I realized in that moment that I didn't need to say anything about him, he spoke for himself.
I saw God's love fill a room and fill my heart.  How many times do we want to win that trophy or have that moment of glory?  And sometimes it is in the times of defeat that we shine the most.  God doesn't love us based on our performance, He loves us because we were created in His image.  We are His children.  We are the "apple of His eye."  Sometimes we don't understand why things happen the way that they do.  We don't understand why we weren't 1st or why we have to deal with sickness or why we aren't in a certain place we want to be.  But God knows where we are at and He is the answer to all things.  He claps when no one else seems to.  He smiles when you think everyone else is frowning.  In those moments when you think every person and every circumstance is against you, just look up and accept the love that the Father has for you. 
I don't know if Christian will really grasp what that moment meant.  But that moment was bigger than a trophy.  (Don't tell Bryan I said that because he probably still wants the trophy)  God lifts us up even when we feel we are at our lowest point.   So thankful I have a Heavenly Father who I can always look up to!  I pray that today in whatever you are going through that you know that the Father loves you and cares for you.  He hears every prayer and He is present in every moment of your life.  Seek Him first always.  He will show you things that will knock your socks off and He will lift you higher than you could ever go on your own.

Wishing you many blessings!

 James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.


  1. Bravo. I loved this. So true. We are all His very favorites. Keep on blogging, Mama!!

    ~Catherine Kingsbury

    1. Thanks Catherine! It definately does not compare to your stuff. I love reading your blogs too!


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